
Convenience: A Strategy for Higher Profits Part 2

Picking up on our discussion of convenience as a pricing strategy let’s examine the results of the convenience audit we provided and address one of the major issues it most likely revealed. If you did not complete the audit or read part one, you can find those here: Most likely your audit revealed long wait times to get into the F&I office, as this is a common complaint among customers.

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Car Marketing by Car People

Car Marketing by Car People

At Edifice Automotive we not only have tons of experience in digital marketing, we also have years of experience in running dealerships. Several of the executives at Edifice Automotive have over 30 years of experience in the industry. This experience is what equipped and inspired them to create a company that offers solutions that specifically addresses your needs and goals as a dealer. When we partner with dealers, we make it a point to not tell you what you need, but instead to listen to your...

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Reaching The Right People With Your Dealership's Marketing Efforts

Let's say there is a person who lives within a 15 mile radius of your dealership who is going to buy a vehicle sometime over the next six months. Let's also say that this person is considering a brand you carry and let's also say that they are even considering buying from you. Would you say that it would be to your benefit to have mail, email and perhaps Facebook (or other apps) delivering your message to this person on a consistent basis during the approximately 6 months prior to this person...

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Does Auto Brand Demand Dictate Market Performance For Dealerships?

Does Auto Brand Demand Dictate Market Performance For Dealerships?

Yes and No. Yes, less demand for your brand means less of that brand sold in relationship to other brands in your market area. That's a given. However, the demand for your brand does not have to limit your individual dealership’s performance. Your dealership can increase market share even when demand for your brand is down in a couple ways:

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Month–to–Month is Killing Dealers' Market Performance

The car business is unlike any market in the world. You are in a business where you sell something people want and need. The potential for big success is highly probable, unlike a lot of businesses that have a low probability for success (restaurants for example). That being said, car dealerships will not run themselves and most assuredly can fail. There are many reasons that dealerships fail, but almost all of them can be narrowed down to one issue: a lack of planning and the ability to pivot...

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