Contextual Targeting vs. Behavioral Targeting: What You Need To Know

Contextual Targeting vs. Behavioral Targeting: What You Need To Know

Contextual targeting and behavioral targeting are not one and the same. Learn why they are different, and why Big Data makes such a difference when it comes to deciding which type of campaign to implement. Contextual targeting is ad placement done smartly. Rather than relying on broad demographics, location, and simple browsing history, contextually-targeted ads connect the right message to the right person at the right time. Contextual ad campaigns show the user content similar to what’s on...

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Part Five: Annotating Your Google Analytics Data

Welcome to Edifice Automotive’s final week in our series on Google Analytics. Throughout this series, our aim has been to give you a better understanding of some of Google Analytics’ tools, along with good practices you should use in order to get the most accurate data about your website. In the first four parts of the series we have taken several steps to filter out all unwanted spam and irrelevant traffic. If you missed those posts you can find them here. Now that we have made sure your site...

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Part Three: Blocking Crawler Spam On Google Analytics

To view Part One: Ghost and Crawler Spam click here. To view Part Two: Setting Up Views and Blocking Ghost Spam click here. Welcome back to Part Three in our series on Google Analytics. In the first week, we started off our series by familiarizing ourselves with the differences between Ghost and Crawler Spam and what not to do when trying to deal with them. If you missed the first week you can find it here: Part One. In Part Two we showed you how to set up views and remove Ghost Spam from your...

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Part Two: Setting Up Views & Blocking Ghost Spam From Google Analytics

To view Part One: Ghost and Crawler Spam click here. To view Part Three: Blocking Crawler Spam click here. Welcome back to Edifice Automotive’s series about removing Ghost and Crawler Spam from your Google Analytics. Last week we started off our series with an explanation of the different types of spam and how they work. If you missed that blog post you can find it here. This week we will show you how to deal with Ghost Spam and remove it from your Google Analytics reporting. Before we do that...

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