Reach Your Prospects Before They Reach Your Competition

This morning, Jane applied for an auto loan online, and then browsed SUVs on several manufacturers’ sites. Now she’s at a football game – passing the time between quarters by comparing SUV reviews on her smartphone. It’s clear she’s serious about making a purchase.

Meanwhile, Edifice has Geo-Fenced this football game with your ads, and with our Adabilities℠ Media Platform, we're able to see what Jane is shopping for and deliver her an amazing SUV offer from your dealership right to her phone! She was planning on visiting a competitor on the way home, but now she’s headed YOUR way.

That is just one more way Edifice Automotive helps connect you with the right prospects with the right message at the right time!

Let's talk about how Edifice does this.

What Makes Edifice Automotive Unique and Effective?

We use a three pronged approach to our Adaptabilities℠ Media Platform.

Target Prospects

Boost in-store traffic and sales with a lead list of intenders and competitive owners in your market and area, complete with contact info. Hyper-local targeting reaches people based on a specific targeted located location or event to drive awareness.

Deliver Effective Call-To-Action Offers

Edifice creates, customizes, and delivers effective mobile ads that promote your products, services, and brand. We track the response and adapt the ads to improve the results of your Geo-Marketing.

Real Offers In Real-Time

Engage prospects actively shopping for your products, and deliver your ads with frequency to meet your prospects’ dynamic wants and needs.

To learn more about Edifice Automotive’s Geo-Fencing, Hyper-Local Targeting, or Adabilities℠, contact us below and one of our agents will be happy to assist you.

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