DMS Outages Show Need For Redundancies: The Essential Role of CDPs in Leading Dealerships

We have advocated for years now for dealers to integrate three core technology platforms—DMS, CRM, and CDP—to enhance customer experience, boost online conversions, and increase customer lifetime value, some were (and still are) skeptical. DMS Outages and Data Feed Interruptions have starkly illustrated the critical importance of having all relevant customer data centralized and readily accessible.

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Elevation CDP Edifice Automotive Marketing

Maximizing Profits: The Power of A Managed Marketing CDP

Discover how leveraging a Managed Marketing Customer Data Platform (CDP) can transform your dealership's profitability. Exploring the Role of Managed Marketing CDPs in Dealerships Post-pandemic automotive marketing practices have stayed consistent. Dealer departments or agencies enlist wildly popular ad spaces on digital media, billboards, tv spots, and numerous other channels in order to vie for the attention of shoppers in their surrounding area.

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