How One Dealership Is Using Uber To Build Its Word Of Mouth Reputation

Car dealerships are constantly looking for innovative ways to put their name out in the marketplace. One dealership has developed an interesting strategy benefiting from the popularity of transportation networking company, Uber.

How Toyota Of Plano Partners With Uber

Uber, connects customers with willing drivers through a smart phone app and offers a more convenient and comfortable experience for people searching for a ride. Compared to taxis, Uber requires later model vehicles to drive for the company. Along with the convenience it offers, it also provides a more luxurious atmosphere to customers.

This is where Toyota of Plano Texas developed an interesting strategy that benefits both the dealership and Uber drivers themselves. Toyota of Plano realized that Uber patrons are likely to be in the market for a car or will be soon. A shiny new car rolling up with a Toyota of Plano license border is great advertising. Even better advertising, is the conversation the Uber driver and patron might have about the car, and by extension, the dealership.

Using Uber To Market Your Dealership & Sell More Cars

Toyota of Plano is making the most of its partnership with Uber to stretch its advertising budget and spread its word of mouth reputation, but how?

First, they focused on offering aggressive pricing deals for Uber drivers. Drivers that can verify their employment through ride sharing companies can qualify for these incentives which boosts Toyota of Plano's sales.

Second, they encouraged Uber drivers they sold to refer their clientele to shop there, earning referral incentives. By doing this, the dealership builds a word of mouth empire that more than pays for itself in referrals.

Third, they offered competitive and reasonable clients that were referred into their dealership from those Uber drivers which further cements the word of mouth reputation they have. 

This is just one of countless examples of ways to increase awareness of your dealership in your marketplace. Using this as food for thought, what are some ways your dealership could raise awareness in your prospective customers?

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