Coaching Your Sales Team
According to a LinkedIn study, sales teams who received 3 hours of coaching per month had a 17% higher closing rate than teams who received only 2 hours.
According to a LinkedIn study, sales teams who received 3 hours of coaching per month had a 17% higher closing rate than teams who received only 2 hours.
For most, the Christmas holidays are an opportunity to pause for a moment and focus on the things that are most important to you.
Black Friday. Typically regarded as the first day of the Christmas shopping season, stores offer special prices and deals that result in a mad dash of frenzied shoppers the day after Thanksgiving. Some people dread the crowds and traffic, but almost a third of Americans in 2017 braved the mob to shop for Christmas gifts for loved ones or find sweet deals.
When I talk to car dealers about their digital marketing strategy, a lot of times I hear something along the lines of, “We’ve gotten along just fine doing radio spots, TV ads and direct mail, why do we need digital marketing now?” They do make a good point. What they’ve been doing was good enough in the past, so it should still be enough… right?
Despite a rocky year with questions in how it handles its data and customer privacy, the Social Media giant is still king and won’t be giving up the crown anytime soon.
Picking up on our discussion of convenience as a pricing strategy let’s examine the results of the convenience audit we provided and address one of the major issues it most likely revealed. If you did not complete the audit or read part one, you can find those here: Most likely your audit revealed long wait times to get into the F&I office, as this is a common complaint among customers.