Edifice Automotive | Dealer Marketing Blog

Facebook Triples Automotive Prospects with New Ad Format

Written by Hale Soucie | March 16, 2019

Facebook recently rolled out a new type of dynamic ad creative that is allowing auto dealers to connect with even more shoppers on their social network.

The social media giant’s dynamic ad tools in the past have focused on tracking shoppers who may have visited a page for a specific vehicle on either a dealership or third-party site. The tool would then show them a relevant tailored ad for that vehicle to re-engage those shoppers to a dealer’s site. The newest update to that tool now allows dealers to connect with shoppers who have not even been to their sites.

With the updated version, known as automotive inventory ads, advertisers and dealers can upload specific vehicles from their inventory with details such as make, model, year, and location. The tool then generates ads that present relevant vehicles to the right audiences such as people who have visited a car-related Facebook page but not have visited a dealership or third-party site.

With this new update dealers can reach even more potential customers who have expressed interest online in buying a vehicle. According to Facebook, the number of automotive prospects has tripled since its launch.

These inventory ads will continue to retarget dealer site visitors like they have in the past but will also showcase dealers’ inventory for an even broader group of shoppers.

As a Facebook partner, Edifice has been helping dealers connect with online shoppers for years. Edifice is already well-versed in the new dynamic inventory ads and is dedicated to helping dealers get the most out of their marketing budgets.

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